Wopta for you

Artisans & SMEs

The right protection for your business: simple, concrete, tailored for you

Scudo con sorriso

The right protection

Do means risks. Some risks you can control, others manage, others are unpredictable: damage to assets, a theft, earthquake or natural events, liability for damage to others, new risks that come from the web or that can stop your desire to do business.

We provide you with the right solutions: you choose the ones most suitable to you.

Negoziante di frutta e verdura

At the right price

Who said that protecting yourself more costs more?

We offer you a wide choice of protection levels and the possibility of obtaining significant reductions in the base rate.

So you can add everything that protects you and you really need. And if you want, you can pay in monthly installments!

una avvocatessa con i simboli della giustizia

Simple and concrete

We have made complex insurance simple.

We just need to know your VAT number and we will propose the most suitable solutions for you, which you can always customize to make them even more yours..

Wopta per te: insuring will no longer be a challenge.

musicista con cuffie tastiera e note musicali.svg

It can happen also to you

Protect yourself with the right solution

icona incendio
It all goes up in smoke
icona di un fulmine
Flash flood
icona di un furgone
Don't stop!
icona di un ombrello
Oops, the cabinet wasn't there
Icona di un pesce che mangia un altro pesce più piccolo
The bad salmon
icona di una chiave inglese
icona scudo di sicurezza
What rogues these thieves are!
icona di un laptop
Don't stumble into the net

Before subscribing, read the information set available at the Documentation section.

Do you want more information about the Wopta offer for you?